No Ordinary gloves, for no ordinary job.

How do you stand out in a sea of ordinary? Be anything but ordinary of course. Working with Stanley St, Brent helped turned a somewhat ordinary local glove company into an extraordinary global brand with purpose.
Let’s be honest, nitrile gloves are boring. Except the places these gloves go are anything but. Downright fascinating when you think about it – affixing crowns, building homes, arm-deep in chest cavities or engine bays, scooping rocky road or holding priceless artefacts. So actually, maybe they’re not ordinary.
So we got to thinking. No ordinary people, doing no ordinary jobs, need No Ordinary gloves.
We created a messaging and system that could work across five key business sectors with ease. The name No Ordinary can run at the start or end of sentences, allowing us to shoe-horn it into every available pun. Handy. Industry relevant colours paired with black and white type help with quick visual distinction and accessibility. Clean typographic layouts keep things clear – people are in a rush after all. Studio photography aids in quick identification and brings out a joyful personality.
Agency: Stanley St
Client Lead: Graham Ritchie
Strategy: Mike Dorsey
Copywriter: Richard Loseby
Creative Director: Brent Courtney
Designer: Brent Courtney
Retouching: Jamie Wright