Live life boundless.

Oona is an insurance company operating in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia with goals to expand further into South-east Asia. They launched a few years ago with little consideration of their brand identity. Like most brands started with a logo and fell into their look with few ownable brand assets and style to stand out and create consistent comms. They had run out of tricks.
With a brand essence of ‘live life boundless’ we brought an inescapable energy to the new look and feel.
We expanded the existing purple colour palette to include a suite of purples to allow for tone and variation and contrasted that with a clashing highlighter yellow.
Typography was chosen to be bold and friendly, with the ability to add distinctive highlighter capsules around the type.
Varying illustration styles were chosen to run across different channels ranging from icons, spot illustrations to deconstructed oversized hands.
We’re really looking forward to see how these art direction concepts convert into live briefs in the future!
Brand: Oona Insurance
Client: AO Studios
Creative Director: Brent Courtney
Designer: Brent Courtney
Copywriting: Thomas Darlow